~~~Register by Friday, April 10, for reduced early-bird rates!~~~
~New information added: Genome Train Workshop!~
*-*-*-*-* Ninth Annual Arthropod Genomics Symposium*-*-*-*-*-
June 17, 2015 to June 19, 2015
K-State Alumni Center, Kansas State University
Manhattan, Kansas
Symposium Website: www.ksu.edu/agc<http://www.ksu.edu/agc>
Please register online at the Symposium website, www.k-state.edu/agc<http:/=
Friday, April 10, is the early bird deadline for reduced fees.
June 5 is the deadline for general registration.
Wednesday, May 20 - If you DO wish to present a poster during the Symposium=
Wednesday, May 20 - If you DO wish your abstract to be considered for a po=
ster presentation at the IGTRCN pre-meeting workshop.
(March 9 was the deadline for abstracts to be considered for oral presentat=
ions at the symposium.)
SPEAKERS (Presentation titles are on the Speaker page of the website.)
Keynote Speaker: David A. O=92Brochta, Institute for Bioscience and Biotec=
hnology Research & Department of Entomology, University of Maryland College=
Featured Speakers:
+Michelle Cilia, USDA-ARS, Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Cor=
nell University, USA
+Martin J. Donnelly, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and the Wellcome=
Trust Sanger Institute, UK
+Rosemary G. Gillespie, University of California, Berkeley, USA
+Sijun Liu, Iowa State University, USA
+Frank Lyko, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany
+Duane McKenna, University of Memphis, USA
+Armin P. Moczek, Indiana University, USA
+Amanda J. Moehring, Western University, Ontario, Canada
+Daniel E. Neafsey, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard University, USA
+Greg Ragland, Kansas State University, USA
+Anne-Nathalie Volkoff, INRA (UMR1333), Montpellier 1 University, France
The symposium focuses on new insights gleaned from analyzing arthropod geno=
mes and is designed for scientists interested in genomic studies of Arthrop=
ods, both model organisms and those of agricultural or health relevance. Th=
e program will include platform presentations, welcome reception, Genome Tr=
ain Workshop, Annotation Caf=E9, and arthropod genomics-related poster sess=
ions. A few poster abstract submissions will be selected for platform prese=
ntations. Postdoctoral, graduate, and undergraduate students are also encou=
raged to attend. Sessions conclude Friday evening, followed by an optional=
evening at Konza Prairie with dinner and live music by the Red State Blues=
*-*-*-*-* Pre-Symposium Workshop *-*-*-*-*-
June 17, 2015 (Wednesday morning and afternoon)
Robust protocols to manipulate genes and genomes have not yet been develope=
d for most insects other than Drosophila melanogaster, and this shortfall i=
s limiting research progress in many aspects of arthropod genomics. The NS=
F-RCN on Insect Genetic Technologies (IGTRCN: 2014-2019; igtrcn.org) seeks =
to remedy this problem by facilitating the communication of best practice a=
nd new techniques among arthropod genomicists.
This IGTRCN-sponsored workshop will comprise (1) talks that showcase the la=
test genetic technologies, (2) discussion sessions for exchange of ideas an=
d solutions for effective insect genetic engineering, and (3) posters. Pro=
posals from the workshop will be integrated into the IGTRCN program of hand=
s-on practical workshops, fellowships, and the IGTRCN KnowledgeBase. Early=
-career researchers are particularly encouraged to present their research a=
t this workshop. A limited number of travel grants to attend the workshop =
are available for early stage investigators. Application deadline was March=
9. For more information on poster abstract and travel grant submission fo=
r the workshop, go to http://www.k-state.edu/agc/symposium_level/workshop/i=
Join us for a journey on The Genome Train on Thursday, June 18th, 7:00 pm t=
o 8:30 p.m.
Genome Train is a participatory workshop on genomics training where we will=
first introduce the main considerations for each stage of a genome sequenc=
ing project and then break off into groups to focus on:
[1] experimental design,
[2] genome assembly & quality assessment,
[3] automated genome annotation,
[4] manual curation of gene models,
[5] automated & manual assessment of gene function,
[6] dissemination, maintenance & improvement of genome resources.
We will then reconvene to compare notes and finish off by focusing on
station [4] to lead logically on to the Annotation Caf=E9. Please sign up h=
The i5k Workspace from NAL and the Web Apollo development team are hosting an An=
notation Caf=E9 during poster sessions where both experienced and novice an=
notators can ask questions to an expert, share curation advice with other a=
nnotators, or chat with scientists from the National Agricultural Library a=
nd Web Apollo teams about the annotation services they provide.
Wednesday, June 17 =96 Workshop: Insect Genetic Technology Research Coordin=
ation Network (IGT-RCN)
Wednesday evening, June 17, 7:30 pm - Arthropod Genomics Symposium begins w=
ith keynote presentation and welcome reception
Thursday, June 18 =96 Symposium Platform Sessions until 5:40 p.m.; Poster S=
ession from 1:15 =96 2:30.
Thursday evening, June 18, 7:00 to 8:30 pm =96 Genome Train Workshop
Thursday evening, June 18, 8:00 to 10:00 pm =96 After dinner on your own, r=
eturn to view posters and network with other scientists.
Friday, June 19 =96 Symposium Platform Sessions, tentatively concluding at =
5:00 p.m.; Poster Session 1:15-2:30.
Friday evening, June 19 =96 Optional dinner at Konza Prairie Biological Sta=
tion<http://kpbs.konza.k-state.edu/> with nature hikes, bison viewing, oppo=
rtunity to collect insects, and entertainment by the Red State Blues Band<h=
VENUE: The 2015 Symposium is being hosted by the Arthropod Genomics Center=
at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas. Symposium sessions will =
be held at the K-State Alumni Center on campus located at the corner of And=
erson and 17th Street. If you are arranging travel/flights, try MHK first t=
o fly directly into Manhattan. Manhattan is approximately a 2 =BD-hour dri=
ve west from Kansas City International airport (MCI).
HOTEL/DORM ROOMS: A block of rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn Ma=
nhattan at the Campus<http://www.ihg.com/holidayinn/hotels/us/en/manhattan/=
manhi/hoteldetail>. Reservation deadline for the room block discounted pri=
ce is May 20.
Campus dormitory rooms are also available. Please send an e-mail to dmerri=
ll from ksu.edu<mailto:dmerrill from ksu.edu> if you want to stay in a dorm. She wil=
l notify you when the online reservation system is ready to accept reservat=
QUESTIONS: Contact Doris Merrill at dmerrill from ksu.edu<mailto:dmerrill from ksu.e=
If you would like to join the ArthropodNews listserv to ensure receiving fu=
ture notices, please send an e-mail with your name and e-mail address to dm=
errill from ksu.edu<mailto:dmerrill from ksu.edu>.
*Arthropod Genomics Center, Kansas State University
*Eck Institute for Global Health, University of Notre Dame
*Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
BASF Corporation
Monsanto Company
At Kansas State University:
Susan J. Brown, Chair, Professor in the Division of Biology and Director, A=
rthropod Genomics Center
Kristin Michel, Division of Biology
Subbaratnam Muthukrishnan, Department of Biochemistry
Yoonseong Park, Department of Entomology
Gregory Ragland, Department of Entomology
Anna Whitfield, Department of Plant Pathology
At University of Notre Dame:
Mary Ann McDowell, Department of Biological Sciences, Eck Institute for Glo=
bal Health
Molly Duman Scheel, Indiana University School of Medicine-South Bend, Eck I=
nstitute for Global Health
At University of Illinois: Hugh Robertson, Department of Entomology
Doris Merrill, Event Coordinator
K-State Arthropod Genomics Center
Division of Biology, Kansas State University
dmerrill from k-state.edu<mailto:dmerrill from k-state.edu>