Paul - dybala at wrote :
> I have a question too, wouldn't you want to separate their hearing loss
> into a low frequency and high frequency component and then explain the
> importance of each band for speech information ??
> Or what about a severe high frequency SNHL with basically normal
> thresholds up to 1500/2000 compared to a flat loss of 45 dB,
> depending on which way you look at it it could be a 40-50% loss
> (based on the 50dB = 50% loss) but they are different.
> I know it is a counselling issue but would like some feedback!
One can always use the articulation index to reference how much of
the audible speech spectrum is being missed. It is a pretty basic concept
to explain to patients when using the Mueller and Killion "Count The Dots"
Jeff Sirianni