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The computerization of audiology

David & Gwen Coffin djcoffin at LINKNET.NET
Sun Aug 13 17:35:31 EST 1995

I would like to hear from anyone who is attempting to computerize their 
audiology practice.  By this, I mean, beyond using computers for reports, 
billing, etc.  I would like receive input about Noah (including experience 
with Noah and networks), and integrating audiometric equipment with 
computers for storage and manipulation of data.  As well as programming 
hearing aids via this setup.

I am in the process of sketching a plan for computerizing an audiology 
practice.  Any advice from someone who has already done this would be a 
major help.  (No need for me to re-invent the wheel.)  If anyone has names 
of people in the equipment or hearing aid fields who can provide informaion, 
I would be interested in that, also.

Any responses, good or bad, would be appreciated.  Thanks!

David J. Coffin, M.A., CCC-A
Center for Audiology
Alexandria, LA

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