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CIC Fittings

David & Gwen Coffin djcoffin at LINKNET.NET
Fri Aug 18 08:02:41 EST 1995

I would like opinions on fitting CIC's on various losses, specifically the 
maximum sloping loss that can be fit, and maximum precipitous high frequency 
losses (i.e., normal through 2K or 3K and dropping) that can be fit.

I have routinely been fitting patients with moderately severe to severe 
gradually sloping losses.  Is anyone _routinely_ fitting worse losses?  What 
is the cutoff for the high frequency losses?  I have tried a few that are 
normal through 2K and drop to 60dB or so at 3K with about a 50% success rate.  

Realizing that a good impression is crucial, I would also like opinions 
about manufacturers .  Does anyone feel that one company does better than 
others?  I have tried 3 different companies, Argosy, Lori, and Telix.  Each 
seems to have their own quirks, but Lori has been the most reliable and 

Thanks for your input.

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