Hi Frank!
I am back with some literature. As I do not know what exactly you are
interested in, I supply you with a little bit of everything:
There are two review articles of Probst, the more current one being
Probst, R. (1991). "A review of otoacoustic emissions," J.Acoust.Soc.Am. 89,
pp. 2027-2067.
If you are interested in clinical applications:
Bray, P.J. (1989). "Click evoked otoacoustic emissions and the development
of a clinical otoacoustic hearing test instrument," Institute of Laryngology
and Otology, University College and Middlesex School of Medicine, London.
Probst has written a German article about that theme as well:
Probst, R. (1993). "Kurs zur praktischen Anwendung otoakustischer Emissionen,"
Hals-Nasen-Ohrenklinik, Universitaet Basel, Schweiz
If you are interested in the theoretical background, I recommend the following
book, from where you can start a more detailed literature search:
"Biophysics of hair cell sensory systems" (1993). Editors: Duifhuis, H.,
Horst, J.W., van Dijk, P., van Netten, S.M. (World Scientific)
So long, have fun with it, Petra
Petra Lutter
Technical University of Vienna
Inst. 114
Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10
1040 Vienna
email: plutter at ws1.atv.tuwien.ac.at
fax: +43 1 5868093