The SIN test was released about 1 or 2 years ago by Mead Killion. Speech
shaped noise is presented at various S/N and the subject listens to and
tries to identify as many words in the sentence as possible. Scoring is
based on correct identification of key words in the sentence. I have
seen it in CD form and the S/N are already mixed, so all that needs be
tone is set the VU for the calibration tone. Speech is presented at 40
and 70 dB SPL(?). Normative curves are provided to show patients...
I have not seen any references pertaining to its development or any
validation studies...
* Jeff Sirianni *
* University of Texas at Austin *
* Communication Sciences and Disorders *
* CMA, 2nd Floor Clinic *
* Austin, TX 78712-1089 *
* *
* sirianni at *
On Fri, 12 May 1995, Susan Moreland wrote:
> i haven't heard of the SIN, but i *have* heard of the SPIN -- speech
> perception in noise. by any chance in this what you mean, or are they two
> separate tests?
>> susan
>>> At 03:33 PM 5/12/95 GMT, Jeffrey Sirianni wrote:
> >Does anyone know of any published reference on the development
> >of the SIN (Speech in Noise) test? Actually, any reference or
> >study that used the SIN would be helpful...
> >
> >Jeff Sirianni @(((<{
> >University of Texas at Austin
> >Communication Sciences and Disorders
> >CMA, 2nd Floor Clinic
> >Austin, TX 78712-1089
> >sirianni at> >jgsaudio at> >
> >
> >
> susan
>smorelan at>> "I love to sail forbidden seas,
> and land on barbarous coasts."
> ~Herman Melville, _Moby-Dick_