Ringing in my ear????
Jochen Wolters
jochenw at rama.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Thu May 18 10:01:13 EST 1995
In article <3pamco$791 at crcnis3.unl.edu>, azimlich at unlinfo.unl.edu (alden
zimlich) wrote:
> Is there anything I can do to hear total silence?
I have been hearing a faint high-pitch noise in my ear for as long as I
can remember (heck, I am just 28... :-), but I don't think that it would
be good idea to keep hoping for total silence sometime in the future.
Trying to get "acquainted" with the noise seems to be the way to go, so
that you will almost only notice it when you actually concentrate on the
noise. Hoping that this condition will go away, will propably cause you
a lot of frustration.
You can find more information on this subject in the Tinnitus FAQ-list
by Mark Bixby. It can be obtained from one of these sources:
* http://www.cccd.edu/faq/tinnitus.html
* http://www.cccd.edu/faq/tinnitus.txt
* ftp://ftp.cccd.edu/pub/faq/tinnitus.html
* ftp://ftp.cccd.edu/pub/faq/tinnitus.txt
* ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/medicine/tinnitus-faq
Take care,
Jochen Wolters - jochenw at POOL.informatik.rwth-aachen.de - cand.ing. EE
*---*---*---*---* No hay mal que por bien no venga ! *---*---*---*---*
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