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CIC fit

dybala at utdallas.edu dybala at utdallas.edu
Fri May 26 08:00:07 EST 1995

Starkey has a shell modification system called Starfit
that is composed of Methl- Methacrylate Monomer & Polymer
that can be used to build up the shell of CIC's or any other aid.
The material is mixed, dried a little and then placed in the patients
ear to set up.  This way it is an exact fit of the canal.
The material holds its shape but is like a soft rubber coating
so it gives a little. It is perfect for feedback problems and we
have been using it here at the center for about the past month.
It has been working so far.
So possibly you could grind down the canal aid to where it is not as 
tight in the canal and then if there is feedback use the Starfit system
to build the shell back up.
This would give you a good fit and the coating on the shell would be 
softer and possibly more comfortably.

Also I believe Phillips makes a soft shelled CIC.
Good luck

Thank you for your support,


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