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Unusual Hearing Loss

Lois J. Barin lbarin at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Tue Dec 10 20:37:16 EST 1996

>I have just recently returned to the Siemens band wagon.  I have been
>having some fun fitting the 'Music.'  A good WDRC aid with adjustable
>compression ratio's and TK's.  It comes in a CIC as well.  Just fit a CIC
>this afternoon and was pleased with the results.  Very low noise level,
>and the Highs can probably be reduced enough to work with your patient.

>Good Luck

>Dale Woodard

I'll second this opinion - I'm a dispensing and aided audiologist who is 
currently test-driving a Siemens programmable, with a reverse slope (but 
conductive) hearing loss, and I like the sound of this hearing aid.  And I did 
manage to get the highs reduced enough not to drive me nuts (I have a 5 dB 
threshold at 4 kHz).

We've done a couple of CIC fittings with good results, but not with the 
configuration of hearing loss described - I think it'd be worth a try, though.

Lois Barin

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