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Insurance Coverage

SSimp10496 ssimp10496 at aol.com
Thu Dec 26 01:39:11 EST 1996

This is directed at those people and parents of deaf children who make too
much money to apply for CSHS (crippled Children's) and their insurance
company will not pay one cent toward the testing and hearing aids and
whatever else goes on. This is not for the adamantly Deaf Culture and I
mean no disrespect.

I think these insurance companies need to be written to, called, (MORE
SUGGESTIONS), or whatever it takes to get them to realize that by working
with a small child with hearing loss, will help that child grow up feeling
better about themselves which in turn leads to less depression,
psychiatrists etc. and of course medical bills to pay out!

SSimpson10496 at aol. or please respond to the group.  Thanks

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