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Hearing Aid Dispensing Question?

Mean Green Dancing Machine aahz at netcom.com
Thu Feb 29 11:00:43 EST 1996

In article <4gn1q3$sam at newsbf02.news.aol.com>,
JHolmes249 <jholmes249 at aol.com> wrote:
>I am an audiologist in private practice.  In regard to how I counsel
>patients on the life of programmable and/or CIC intruments is that it is
>not likely to be much different than conventional instruments.  The most
>sensitive components such as the microphone and receiver are just as
>likely to malfunction than in more conventional instruments, and newer
>technology will most likely make these models obsolete in six or seven

As phrased, your statement is flat-out wrong.  I've just been in for a
hearing exam, and as far as I can tell, the aids I bought ten years ago
are still the best for me.  Quite frankly, I'm a bit disgusted at the
lack of improvements in power aids.
                      --- Aahz (@netcom.com)

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