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Batteries for HA

Lawrence Tan lawtan at pacific.net.sg
Tue Jul 1 18:33:33 EST 1997

Dear All,

I understand that worldwide, there is a ban on Mercury Oxide
batteries. For hearing aids  the switch is to Zinc Air type. 

The holes behind Zinc air batteries are to allow air to interact with
the zinc inside the batteries. However, in humid climate, the holes 
are often blocked by prespirations and moisture. This caused the
batteries to stop discharging and as a result hearing aids like
Phonak Super Front Push-Pull series of hearing aids do not function
well with this type of batteries.

Do anyone out there experience this problem and what other alternative
type of batteries  can be used. Silver oxide is out as they are too

Name          Lawrence Tan, Aud. Tech; CSHI, Singapore 
E-mail         lawtan at pacific.net.sg                         
Homepage  http://home.pacific.net.sg/~lawtan         
ICQ UIN       1443716 

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