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Hearing aid hears theft detectors?

Lois J. Barin barin.2 at osu.edu
Thu Jul 3 19:40:30 EST 1997

In article <Pine.GSO.3.96.970703150843.11468A-100000 at speedy> Jim Lellman <lellman at daugherty.com> writes:

>I apologize if this subject has been beaten to death here.
>I'm new to this newsgroup, and my ISP doesn't even carry it.

>Apparently more stores are using those little labels and the detectors
>at the doorway.  My son wears a hearing aid with a bone vibrator.
>He can "hear" the detectors at the doorway when he walks by them.
>Some are so loud that they cause him pain.  He has mystied more than
>one store manager when he told them that their antitheft detectors
>were not turned on.

>My question is, is this a common occurance?  I don't know if it's
>the hearing aid proper, or the bone transducer that's picking it up.

>Jim Lellman
>lellman at hotmail.com
>See my web page www.angelfire.com/biz/hotw for hearing aid batteries


No, I've been following this group for a long time, and haven't seen this 

BUT - I am so *GLAD* to hear someone else report this!!  I am an aided 
audiologist, and last November, I was shopping with my cousin at a local 
outlet mall.  We walked into a music store and I actually ducked from the 
sound that came into my hearing aid as we walked through the theft sensors!

My first suspicion, was that my hearing aid had accidentally been switched to 
the "T" switch, and I was picking up the electromagnetic field from the 
sensors that way.

But I checked my HA, and it was indeed in the correct position, so I (being 
the researcher and curious person I am) walked out the door and back in again.

Same thing!

I was "test-driving" a programmable hearing aid at the time, and had a meeting 
with the hearing aid representative the next week.  I asked him about it and 
the answer was somewhere between "impossible" and "highly unlikely", and "must 
be something wrong with the hearing aid".

So, tell your son, he's not alone, and now you've got me curious about this 
phenomenon again!

Lois Barin
Pediatric Audiologist
The Ohio State University

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