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a worried father

Andy harrisco at winternet.com
Fri Jul 11 14:47:02 EST 1997

John Tarczon <johnt at kcco.com> wrote:

>Hello all:

>My son (age 3 years 1 month) is having some difficulty developing
>his speech and language skills. It may be related to his hearing.
>I give a summary of the history of the problem and ask a couple
>of questions at the end. If anyone out there can help me I would
>deeply appreciate it.  I apologize in advance for this long post
>and thank everyone who takes the time to read it.

If in fact your child does have a hearing loss.  There is support.
There are groups called Self Help for the Hard of Hearing (SHHH).
This is a national organization, with chapters in each of the 50
states.  The phone number for the National SHHH is 1-301-657-2248.  

Good luck with the Speech Patholgoist.  I personally had  a speech
path. when I was small . It was not becuase I was suffering from
hearing loss, but both my parents are profoundly Deaf.  The speech
path. really helped me!

Andy Olson
harrisco at winternet.com
aolson at netman.com

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