"Michael Yared" <myared at erols.com> wrote:
>> If you kid will be hard-of-hearing, you have to accept it and make
>changes for your future kid's life.
>Try the children right coordinators of the Alexander Graham Bell
>Association for the Deaf. If he was more deaf, then the American Society of
>Deaf Children will be fine.
> I wish audiologists do more research on HOH kids' socializations skills
>instead of just focusing on how to speak (cure and fix the problem). There
>are a lot of things your kid can benefit (captioning, the
>telecommunications relay service, TTY, oral- or sign language interpreting,
>etc). Meeting some HOH or/and deaf adults can help.
Mike, these suggestions are valid for many, but may be confusing to
the father whose written. At 25 dB Speech Reception thresholds, he has
a very mild borderline loss. To treat a hearing child as if he's deaf
would be a mistake.
As far as the socialization stuff goes, I wish that Audiologists could
be involved to the extent you have suggested. Most can't be, by virtue
of the working arrangements they have.
If his son is lucky, the Speech Therapist at school will have
knowledge in, and connections to, the hearing field.
Educational Audiologists are rare, but I hope that they will someday
be under mandate in the schools systems, like Speech therapists.
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