Hi , my daughter lost her hearing in her right ear very suddenly last
year. She was almost 12. Had alot of tests done, MRI, Ct scan, the
works. She woke one morning (two weeks following her MMR booster shot,
which they now feel was probobly responsible)completelt deaf in her
right ear, she NEVER had problems before of any kind with her ears,
not even as a baby. Anyway, a slight improvrmentdid occur shortly
after and a hearing will now be ordered, it hasn't really changed in
the last 10 months. My question is , I just had her for a repeat
hearing test and her audiologist said that both ears were exhibiting
negative pressure, and that it could be due to swimmimg. We have a
pool that she is is in almost every day.She sent me to the
pediatricain for them to take a look and she said it appeared that she
has fluid behind her left ear. (the good one) No infection, but gave
her amoxycillian to prevent the fluid from becoming infected. So what
would cause negative pressure in the ears? The pediatrician said she
didn't think it was swimming but couldn't really give me an answer
either. Thanks for any input.
A Nervous Mom