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Are Audiologists Ethnocentric?

Michael Yared myared at erols.com
Thu Jul 17 19:05:50 EST 1997

	Maybe you can start with the disablism attitudes of members of racial and
ethnic groups. For example, it is a shame and dishonor in Hispanic or Black
families if one of
their kids have a disability, like deaf or blind or other disabilities.
Maybe you can ask people
at Howard University or other universities with large minorities
populations about why they don't
want to be special education teachers, or audiologists or speech
	Under the ADA, it is illegal on any employment application forms to ask
"whether you
are disabled?". The Federal Government is excepted as it is covered under
the Rehabilitation Act 
of 1973. How would future applicants like a audiologist with a minority
background apply? By selling
their experiences, skills, and qualifications. Didn't Martin L. King said,
"Judge on the basis of your 
qualification, and not your skin color"? The opposite of what affirmative
action is.
	Yours in Deafness
	Mike Yared

Genxman777 <genxman777 at aol.com> wrote in article
<19970716175001.NAA01102 at ladder02.news.aol.com>...
> The question of this post is directed to working audiologists with a
> Master's level 
> education. Most Master level Audiologists are members of the majority
> group-
> Anglo Saxon, Northern or Western European, monolingual English speakers
> with a Judeo-Christian background. What is their opinion of Audiologists
> who
> do not share this background? Would they consider hiring someone who does
> not
> share this ethnic background? I would guess most would hire someone
> "like themselves".
> What of patients and their care? As the milennium approaches- the
> population
> becomes more diverse, yet it appears audiologists remain conservative in
> their 
> hiring of minority audiology staff. Is this in the patients best
> Why is the audiology community as a whole so rigid on this issue? Do they

> see minority personnel as a "threat" to the status quo? Why is ethnicity 
> and ethnic background so integral in considerations for employment.
> not
> the qualifications of the job candidate be more important than ethnicity?
> In a limited job market like clinical audiology- I guess the majority
> community 
> reverts to judging persons on stereotypes rather than facts. Are Speech
> Pathologists similar to Audiologists on this issue? I would like to hear 
> your comments on this topic

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