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Hearing Device Recommendation?

CBCOH cbcoh at aol.com
Thu Jul 24 00:41:18 EST 1997

>I also hope that your hearing care professional has thoroughly
>the sudden and severe loss in your left ear.

Thank you, Jeff, for your response to my inquiry about a hearing aid.

I have seen two doctors.  One is a regular ENT.  The other is a
neuro-otologist at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore (Dr. John Niparko).  I have
had two MRIs and blood work.  Also had the TEO test which, interestingly,
showed my good ear as bad as my bad ear (which is not the case, of
course).  That result happens in around 5% of TEO tests.

Any other suggestions for tests or evaluations or treatment?  Again, thank
you for responding.

Steven Sorensen
Columbia, MD

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