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Are Audiologists Ethnocentric?

Paul D Dybala dybala at utdallas.edu
Wed Jul 30 08:45:24 EST 1997

I am not sure what prompted this post but I feel that it
was written by someone who has little experience in
our field. 

shona mcintosh (shonamac at intecc.co.uk) wrote:
> Genxman777 wrote:
> > Anglo Saxon, Northern or Western European, monolingual English speakers
> > with a Judeo-Christian background. What is their opinion of Audiologists
> > who
> > do not share this background? Would they consider hiring someone who does
> > not
> > share this ethnic background? I would guess most would hire someone
> > "like themselves".

Persons in our field are hired because they have excellent clinical
skills that can be used effectively in the workplace.  It has nothing
to do with race color or creed.

I have never been under the impression that persons are hired based
on race color or creed.

> > What of patients and their care? As the milennium approaches- the
> > population
> > becomes more diverse, yet it appears audiologists remain conservative in
> > their
> > hiring of minority audiology staff. Is this in the patients best interest?

Our facility in Texas has two Spanish speaking full time audiologists
out of the six on staff and our front desk person is also fluent in

I do not think that just because a person is not a minority does
not mean that they cannot serve minorities appropriately.

> > Why is the audiology community as a whole so rigid on this issue? Do they
> > see minority personnel as a "threat" to the status quo? 

What are you talking about??

Why is ethnicity
> > and ethnic background so integral in considerations for employment. Should
> > not
> > the qualifications of the job candidate be more important than ethnicity?
> > 
> > In a limited job market like clinical audiology- I guess the majority
> > community
> > reverts to judging persons on stereotypes rather than facts. Are Speech
> > Pathologists similar to Audiologists on this issue? I would like to hear
> > your comments on this topic

I really don't know where you get your information but the audiology
or speech pathology community is far from "rigid" on this issue.

The current president of the American Speech Language and Hearing
association is not "Anglo Saxon, Northern or Western European" 

The current president elect of The American Academy of Audiology is
not "Anglo Saxon, Northern or Western European"!

Both MAJOR audiology professional groups have programs to encourage
minority groups to major in Speech or Audiology.

At the Academy convention on of our audiologists participated
in giving a group a minority High School students tours
through the academy convention to ENCOURAGE them o think
about audiology as a profession.

What you see as a disparity in our field has nothing to do
with preferential hiring practices!  It is a simple fact that there
are very few persons who are members of a minority group who
have decided to become speech language pathologists and or audiologists.

Both professional organizations have acknowledged this and are taking
steps to alleviate this.


Give me a break!!!

Thank you for your support,
Paul Dybala
dybala at utdallas.edu

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