Good call on the Starkey Brand:
I just looked up the specs on a Starkey / Fidelity Viennatone
F495 & F 499 in their standard products catalog you would
need to contact Starkey minneapolis to see if they can set it
up as a bicros though.
I am sure that they could if you said please!
Paul Dybala the place for audiologyinformation on the Internet!
HearWHAC (hearwhac at wrote:
> Keith Felgemacher wrote:
> > Anybody know of a manufacturer for eyeglass bicross unit other than
> > Telex? Looking specifically for eyeglass model.
> Rexton used to offer one but I'm not sure if they still do. What about
> the Starkey family of companies? Do any of them offer eyeglass bicros
> units?
> Paul Woodard ;-)
Thank you for your support,
Paul Dybala
dybala at utdallas.edu