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earmold cleaning

Beth Moore beth at dmcnamara.demon.co.uk
Wed Mar 25 01:26:19 EST 1998

In article <3516A4FE.4097 at PPD.UKY.EDU>, JOE <JMCDONAL at PPD.UKY.EDU>
>Is it ok to take the earmolds off bte hearing aids and clean them by
>soaking them in bleach? It seems this would change their yellowish
>appearance to clear again.
I don't recommend it. In my experience, bleach attacks the mould and
shortens its life. More importantly, there is a real risk of irritation
of the ear, and possible infection. I recommend the use of shampoo or
bubble bath as the ear is used to these substances (in case the patient
does not rinse the mould properly.) Soft moulds turn yellow more quickly
because of the porous material, but that is the price you pay for a more
comfortable mould with a good acoustic seal.
Beth Moore

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