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Jeffrey Sirianni audioman at hctc.net
Fri Apr 9 12:50:48 EST 1999

 From ASHA Listserve....

>Resent-Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 16:35:54 -0400
>X-Sender: sboney at unlinfo2.unl.edu
>Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 15:30:10 -0600
>To: asha-aud-forum at lists.ncm.com
>From: Stephen Boney <sboney at unlinfo.unl.edu>
>Resent-From: asha-aud-forum at lists.ncm.com
>X-Mailing-List: <asha-aud-forum at lists.ncm.com> archive/latest/5034
>X-Loop: asha-aud-forum at lists.ncm.com
>Resent-Sender: asha-aud-forum-request at lists.ncm.com
>Hello All:
>Below is posted a job announcement for an Audiology Faculty Position in our
>Department. Several of us from our Department will be at AAA in Miami Beach.
>The Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders at the
>University of Nebraska-Lincoln invites applicants for a full-time 9 month
>(summer negotiable) faculty position in Audiology.  Position is available
>August, 1999.  Responsibilities include teaching graduate and undergraduate
>courses, engaging in research/scholarly activities, and supervision of
>students.  Expertise in the areas of vestibular assessment/rehabilitation,
>hearing conservation, and medical audiology desirable, but  will consider
>other areas of specialization.  Qualifications include: 1) earned doctoral
>degree, 2) CCC-A, 3) eligibility for Nebraska state licensure, 4) evidence
>of teaching and research experience.  Salary commensurate with
>qualifications.  Excellent benefits.  Closing date for applications is
>5/30/99, or until the position is filled.  Applications should include a
>letter of interest, curriculum vita, reprints of publications and other
>supporting materials, and three letters of recommendation.  Materials sent
>to: Stephen J. Boney, Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 107D Barkley
>Memorial Center, Lincoln, Nebraska 68583-0731, Ph: 402.472.5734, email:
>sboney at unl.edu.  Website is available @ www.barkley.unl.edu.
>Stephen J. Boney, Ph.D.
>Communication Disorders
>University of Nebraska-Lincoln
>253 Barkley Center
>Lincoln, NE 68583-0731
>VOICE/TDD:  402.472.5734
>EMAIL:      sboney at unl.edu              

* Jeffrey Sirianni, M.A., CCC-A, FAAA             *
* Sound Advice / R.G. Delaney, M.D.               *
* Guy Griggs Professional Building                *
* 710 Water Street / Suite 404                    *
* Kerrville, TX  78028                            *
*                                                 *
* (830) 896-1433                                  *
* (800) 672-4321                                  *
* (830) 896-1440 FAX                              *
*                                                 *
* audioman at hctc.net                               *
*                                                 *
* Discussion Leader of bionet.audiology Newsgroup *

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