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Contra reflexes--2nd Correction

Jeffrey Sirianni audioman at hctc.net
Sun Jan 17 13:49:14 EST 1999

hjg <hgould at mocha.memphis.edu> writes:

>Contra reflex is not a matter of who taught the terminology and how the
>individual uses it. The term is clearly defined in ANSI S3.39-1987

I'm listening....

>section 5.26 Stimulus ear: the ear to which the acoustic-reflex
>activating signal is presented in order to elicit a middle-ear muscle reflex.
>The middle ear muscle reflex elicited is identified with respect to the
>stimulus ear.


>section 5.28 Contralateral reflex: the middle-ear muscle reflex that is
>elicited in the ear contralateral to the stimulus ear......

THIS IS WRONG....  The term "ELICITED" means the ear that you present
stimulus!!!  The line above does not make sense!!!  When you present a
stimulus to the right ear, you are eliciting a response from the right
regardless if you DETECT it in the right ear (ipsi) or in the left
For example, if you have a dead right ear, you would not expect to
response from the right ear....

The above line should read:

Contralateral reflex: the middle-ear muscle reflex that is DETECTED in
ear contralateral to the stimulus ear....

>This reflex is also referred to as the crossed reflex as the reflex is
>identifed by the stimulus ear a right contralateral by the
>standard is always stimulus in the right and probe in the left.


Thanks for responding....


>Herbert Jay Gould, Ph.D.

Jeffrey Sirianni wrote:

> "Jae Utke" <jae1969 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >I will get this right this time! As practicing audiologists, I'm sure
> >you will agree with me on this point: I will never forget Reflex
> >Testing!
> >Here I go again: This time I know the pathways are correct, I just made
> >a mistake in the probe/stimulus placement.
> >Right Ipsi: Stimulus (tone) in Right ear, Probe in Right ear.
> >Left Contra: Stimulus in Left Ear, Probe in Right ear.
> >Left Ipsi: Stimulus in Left Ear, Probe in Left ear.
> >Right Contra: Stimulus in Right ear, Probe in Left ear.
> I won't try to confuse anyone, but from my understanding, the "Contra"
> nomenclature can mean contralateral stimulation, or contralateral
> detection, depending on how you define your terms.
> Ipsilateral (Right or Left) is always the same, probe and eliciting
> stimulus always in the same ear.
> Contralateral Right can be
> - Eliciting stimulus in the right with probe in the left
> OR
> - Probe in the right and eliciting stimulus in the left.
> It all depends on how and who taught you acoustic reflex nomenclature...
> My advice is this, when I use the term "Contra Right", it should signify
> that the eliciting stimulus is in the right ear. That way, you can use the
> clearer term:
> Contra Right (probe left)
> OR
> Contra Left (probe right)
> Jeff

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