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Direct hypertext links from EMBL to MEDLINE

Nicole Redaschi redaschi at comp.bioz.unibas.ch
Fri Apr 21 12:23:32 EST 1995

For those of you who are interested in having direct hypertext links to MEDLINE 
in EMBL entries, the following small modifications will do the job:

1. Edit "hyperlink.sdl"
Only if MEDLINE is not installed at your site, edit the "#linkcall":

  #linkcall /id=%FETCH_MEDLINE 
     /call="<a href=http://atlas.nlm.nih.gov:5700/htbin/ef/entrezmr?%s>%s</a>"

Add the new "#hyperlink":

  #hyperlink /field=@EMBL_RX_FIELD
      /parse=embl_medline /parser=@INSERTLINK_PARSER

Add this line to the "#PARSER":

  embl_medline      = 'RX   ' 'MEDLINE;' ~0-9~<wrt c=@FETCH_MEDLINE f=@F_INSERTHLINK>;

2. Edit "embl.sdl"
Add this "#field" to "#libformat /id=%EMBL_FORMAT ...":

    #field /gblid=%EMBL_RX_FIELD
           /itype=key /ftype=@DF_MEDLINELINK /idtype=@SRSxSEQID
           /find="medlineid" /begstr="RX   "/nextstr="RX   "

Add a new "#link":

  #link /id=%EMBL_MEDLINE
        /lib1=@EMBL_DB /lib2=@MEDLINE_DB /type=index
        /field1=@EMBL_RX_FIELD /field2=@MEDLINE_ID_FIELD
        /idtype1=@SRSxSEQID /idtype2=@ENTRY_ID

Add this line to the "#PARSER":

  medlineid  = ~0-9~ <wrt>


Nicole Redaschi

 Nicole Redaschi                               <redaschi at biox.embnet.unibas.ch>  
 Biocomputing-Biozentrum der Universitaet Basel-Klingelbergstr.70-CH 4056 Basel


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