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indexing subdirectiories

Mike Tennant tennant at mh.uk.sbphrd.com
Tue Jul 1 09:18:49 EST 1997

	I'm trying to index our pdb hierarchy, which has the format
/pdb/dist/*/*.ent.gz, but can't get srs5.05 to get past the first wild
card (which is a set of directories). Does anybody know whether this can
be done?
I have tried the following (and variations) in pdb.i:

PDB_FILE:$FileType:[text  singleEntry:y maxline:250
  saveName:file saveNameLength:20 pipe:"gzcat \%s"

thanks in advance!  
Mike Tennant. phone: +44 1279 627866 FAX: +44 1279 627896

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