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Carry on others ! ( non JavaScript likers ?)

K. Cuelenaere koenc at caos.kun.nl
Thu Apr 9 04:49:48 EST 1998

Johnathon Weare wrote:
> >>>>> "T" == Thure Etzold <etzold at ebi.ac.uk> writes:
>     T> While i am not exactly a 'javascript lover' i can't see good reasons
>     T> why it should be disabled. I found the experiment with the "top
>     T> page" rather successful and already changed the "link page" in
>     T> srs5.2 in a similar manner. In general we will be adding more and
>     T> more javascript code to our pages ...any good reasons why we
>     T> shouldn't?
> I like the javascript interface very much - databank selection is easier -
> I turn javascript on before using SRS. No reason as far as I know -
> javascript works well on netscape*.

Fully agree. However, using fancy javascript can result in
unexpected (platform dependend?) problems. Bare HTML is more
waterproof I think). Example:
When starting a new SRS session while the SRS pages are in a
frame, using Netscape4.03 on Irix6.2 (and Netscape 4 on win95) this
results in a javascript error: parent.frames["liblist"] has no

However still no reason for not using Javascript I think. I'll
just have to make our link to srs5 go to a new browserwindow.


Koen Cuelenaere			Email: koenc at caos.kun.nl
CAOS/CAMM Center		Phone: +31 24 3653383
University of Nijmegen		Fax:   +31 24 3652977
6525 ED Nijmegen
The Netherlands			URL: http://www.caos.kun.nl/

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