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Saccharomyces Genome Database

Mike Cherry cherry at genome.Stanford.EDU
Wed Feb 1 01:34:34 EST 1995

Saccharomyces Genomic Information Resource


    This WWW server provides access to the yeast database called
SacchDB built using the ACEDB software (Durbin, Sanger Centre and
Thierry-Mieg, CNRS Montpellier). The ACEDB/WWW gateway (Decoux,
Moulon) is used to provide the WWW access.  The results of the
international effort to sequence the S.  cerevisiae genome, edition 12
of the Mortimer genetic maps, the Olson physical map, links to other
yeast information, documentation on using ACEDB databases, index of
the BioSci Yeast conference and more is available from the above URL.

    SacchDB for Macintosh (680X0 and PPC) and several flavors of UNIX
is available from either:


    A WAIS index of the information contained in SacchDB, index of
BioSci Yeast conference, as well as images and tables derived from the
database, and more, are available from:


    These yeast resources are provided by the Saccharomyces Genome
Database project at Stanford University through a grant from the
National Center for Human Genome Research, National Institutes of
Health, USA.

J. Michael Cherry                       Internet: cherry at genome.stanford.edu
Stanford DNA Sequence & Tech. Center    Saccharomyces Genome Database
Stanford University School of Medicine  Stanford, California  94305-5120
Voice: 415-723-7541                     FAX: 415-723-7016

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