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autism ?

Lucien BACHNER BC CASSINI bachner at cochin.inserm.fr
Wed Oct 11 06:35:53 EST 1995

>>My brother has been diagnosed with Autism about 15 years ago.  And at the
time, I was told I could be a carrier.  But, he has also been diagnosed as
possible Fragile-x, Aaskog's, and severe mental retardation.  He does have
an inverted insertion of the X chromosome.

Anyway, I am now 3 months pregnant, I was wondering could anyone help me
find out whether I have a chance of having an autistic child.  Thanks

You should ask firstly your obstetrician, secondly maybe the doctors
who diagnosed you brother, thirdly a medical geneticist.
Have you (and your parents) been examined cytogenetically
to look fo that inverted insertion of the X chromosome ?

Lucien Bachner
Laboratoire de Biochimie genetique, Hopital Cochin, Paris,France.

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