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Metaphase spreads

HK hk-miami at ix.netcom.com
Fri Oct 13 21:18:05 EST 1995

In <45ls5s$18v at clus1.ulcc.ac.uk> "g.coulton" <g.coulton at cxwms.ac.uk>
>Can you help me by sending me a good (preferably simple and reliable) 
>method for preparing cells for metaphase spreads, prior to chromosome 
>paint in situ hybridisation?
>Many thanks if you can!!!!!
It would be much simpler to just look it up in a cytogenetics book.  Do
it the same way for in situ preparation as you would for banding, etc. 
Usually prepare slides in the morning, and leave them in a 37 degree
incubator until ready to use them in the afternoon.  HK

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