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help // rates of ageing : genetically predetermined or environmentally dependant ?

Hugues Roest Crollius crollius at rag2.RZ-Berlin.MPG.DE
Mon Apr 29 05:33:52 EST 1996

Hi Leon!

It just happened that I had the following review article on top of the pile:

Schachter, F. Cohen, D., Kirkwood, T. (1993) Prospects for the genetics of 
human longevity. Human Genetics 91:519-526

Hope this helps.


H. Roest Crollius
Abt. Lehrach
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Molekulare Genetic
73 Ihnestrasse
14195 Berlin

e-mail: roest at mpimg-berlin-dahlem.mpg.de

|> Hello,
|> My name is Leon Varkel and I am studying 1st year medicine at the University of Cape Town in 
|> South Africa. I have an assignment of 10-12 pages on the subject : Rates of Ageing, genetically 
|> predetermined or environmentally dependant ? I have searched for hours on both the internet 
|> and in the university's medical library and have been unable to find any information related
|> to this topic. I have found information on the subject "Ageing" (which is too general),
|> but not "Rates of Ageing". The course which this assignment is for is called 'Human Biology'.
|> This may help readers to understand the type of information I need. 
|> If anyone has any information or knows where I could find information on this subject I would 
|> appreciate it if you would help me.
|> Thanks
|> Leon 

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