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Molecular Biology Job Available

Rick Davis rick at unity.ncsu.edu
Fri Jun 16 11:39:46 EST 1995

Position Available: Postdoctoral Research Associate

Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University -  A 
position is available for a motivated molecular biologist to investigate 
the molecular mechanisms of plant parasitism by Heterodera glycines, the 
soybean cyst nematode (SCN).  These soil-dwelling, microscopic worms 
invade the roots of soybean plants and cause millions of dollars in 
soybean yield losses each year.  SCN has a very intricate host-parasite 
relationship that involves elaborate modifications of plant root cells 
by compounds secreted by the nematode.  Efforts have been initiated to 
identify these nematode secretions and the genes that encode them, and 
to determine the expression and function of these nematode gene products 
during plant parasitism.  Lab experience in eukaryotic molecular 
biology, protein chemistry, and immunotechniques is essential.  
Experience in nematology, plant pathology, histology, and plant science 
is desirable, but not required.  The position is for two years, starts 
at $25,000/year plus benefits, and will begin September 1, 1995 
contingent upon scheduled receipt of awarded grant funds.  Send resume, 
transcripts, and three letters of recommendation by August 1, 1995 to 
Dr. Eric L. Davis, Department of Plant Pathology, Campus Box 7616, North 
Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695.  Phone (919) 515-6692, FAX 
(919) 515-7716, or email rick at unity.ncsu.edu.  North Carolina State 
University is an EO/AA employer.

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