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ICSEB V Meeting in Budapest, 1996

fodoran at LUDENS.ELTE.HU fodoran at LUDENS.ELTE.HU
Wed Mar 15 05:47:10 EST 1995

Dear Worm Breeders, Worm Cleaners, Worm Geneticists, Worm Biologists, Worm Molecular
Biologists, Nematologists, Taxonomists, Evolutionary Biologists:
There will be the Fifth International Congresall of you today, on March 15, on
Let me use the opportunity of the daye of our National Holiday, March 15 to
send you together with my greetings and best regards the No.0. Circular on the
Fifth International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology (ICSEB V.),
which is to be held at the Education Center (Collegium Budapest) of Budapest,
Hungary, between August 17-24, 1996, and will be hosted by The Hungarian
Academy of Sciences.

Topics (among others):

Experimental evolution; Molecular phylogenies; Evolving taxonomies;
Classification theories, biodiversity dinamics and rates of extinction;
biodiversity inventory;
Rain forests: from evolution to involution; plate tectonics evolution;
EVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY (apropos: hello, cell lineage people);
origins of levels of organisation; hominisation; artificial life; mobile
genetic elements and evolution; and


We are to invite Einhard (Prof. Einhard Scierenberg) to be the head of the
organizers and I am the local organizer of the latter topics.

Preliminarily, we would be glad to set up sessions on molecular evolution;
evolution of the cell lineage; mobile genetic elements and evolution; evolution
of sex determination and dosage compensation; genome and evolution; evolutionar
aspects of extragenomic DNA; evolution of plant parasitic nematodes; evolution
of animal parasitic nematodes; coevolution of symbiosis of entomopathogenic
nematodes and bacteria; evolution of the nervous system.

The conception is that Phylum Nematoda is the second largest taxon within
Animals's Kingdom with an anormous polymorphisms and evolutionary direction
concerning size, morphology, physiology, complexity and reproduction. We
belives that lots of information coming from theresearch of evolution of
nematodes are of general value. On the other hand all nematologist (apart from
small excellen taxonomists such as Profs. Sudhaus in Germany and Andrassy in
Hungary) do evolutionary studies just for fun and hobby.

Financilly notghing is sure yet, ICSEB is not a rich gang. If any of you could
suggest ideas how to get money please let us know.

Please inform colleauges aboutbthisn option and give a preliminary message
about your intyerest in participating at our meeting, without any

We just would like to know how many participants may be expected.

We will send a copy of the first circular to everyone who kindly answer this
letter positively.

Hungary is not a great place for an American or Western European. But please
ask anyone who had visited us from the occasion of a meeting or scientific
cooperation how they felt. People usually are happy here, Budapest is wonderful
and the Hungarians are hospitable. And the Meeting - depending, of course, who
will attand may be excellent.

Please, in your answer indicate whetther you have anything to present in a form
of a talk, poster or movie (Einhard Schierenberg, Marek Tomalak please, do not
be shy).

Looking forward an answer from you not later than the end of April this year.

Best wishes and regards,

					Dr. Andras Fodor

Eotvos University,
Dept. Genetics,
Budapest, Muzeum krt. 4/A
H-1088 Budapest, Hungary


holiday, March 15.

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