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Call for Species Lists

David H. A. Fitch fitch at ACF2.NYU.EDU
Thu Mar 30 12:25:59 EST 1995


As part of a small Systematics Mini-Workshop to be held at the
International C. elegans Meeting (University of Wisconsin, June 3-7, 1995),
we would like to distribute a List of Species available to interested worm
investigators.  Specifically, this list of strains of different species
would provide the names and addresses of interested labs with a list of the
living nematode strains that they maintain.  The intent is to establish a
resource network for living cultures of different nematode species, and
perhaps other resources as well (e.g., tissue, libraries, clones).

Although the Caenorhabditis Genetics Center has agreed to serve as a
resource center for Rhabditida that can be cryogenically maintained, it
will take some time before the CGC collection will have accumulated
representatives of all species currently maintained in many individual
labs.  Also, it is not entirely clear how many different strains of the
same species the CGC will be able to maintain.  Nor is it likely that the
CGC will be able to maintain nematodes that cannot be cryogenically
maintained.  For these reasons, a worm culture network would be very
valuable resource, not only for systematists, but for the many other
investigators using nematode systems in a comparative context.

If you are maintaining even a few stocks of wild type or mutant nematode
species, and you are willing to share cultures with others on at least a
conditional basis, please send me the following information about you, your
laboratory, and your cultures.  I will then collate these lists for
dissemination at the mini-workshop.

1.  Name, Address, Telephone, Fax, E-mail.

2.  List of Strains with official (CGC-type) strain number (if
    applicable), species binomen, and if possible, some very brief
    information pertaining to the strain (e.g., the locality and
    habitat, how it should be cultured, etc.).

3.  Any conditions that may apply to obtaining cultures from your

Please send this information to:  David Fitch, Department of
Biology, New York University, 1009 Main Building, 100 Washington
Square East, New York, NY 10003; E-mail: fitch at acf2.nyu.edu.

 ~   ~    -    -    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  \ /     /   /     ~ David Fitch              ~
   \     /   /      ~ Department of Biology    ~
   []   /   /       ~ New York University      ~
     \ /   /        ~ Main Building, Room 1009 ~
      \   /         ~ New York, NY  10003      ~
       \ /          ~ 212-998-8254             ~
        /           ~ fax 212-995-4015         ~
       /            ~ fitch at acf2.nyu.edu       ~

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