Postdoctoral Position In Molecular Plant Nematology
Applications are invited for a two-year-position available
April 1, 1996 ($28,000/year). The project deals with:
a) Identification of soybean cyst nematode genes
differentially expressed during infection (differential
display; subtractive hybridization);
b) Expression analysis of nematode genes by insitu
hybridization and/or immunological techniques.
Requirements: extensive experience with RNA manipulations,
insitu hybridization, and microscopy.
Send a letter outlining your previous experiences, your resume,
a list of publications, and names, postal and e-mail addresses,
and phone numbers of three reference persons to:
Dr. Thomas Baum; Iowa State University; Department of Plant
Pathology; 351 Bessey Hall; Ames, IA 50011; USA; e-mail:
tbaum at