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Markers for transgenic worm lines

Guy Tanentzapf au905 at FreeNet.Carleton.CA
Tue Jun 11 23:48:56 EST 1996

It appears to me that the rol-6 (prf4) is the most used coninjected
marker when making transgenic  worms.
However on the bus today i thought maybe if one injected GFP containing
plasmid it might be easier to find transgenic worms, which ,ight be
usefull especially when injecting in some tricky backgrounds 
which dont move a lot (like unc's for example).

Im sure someone out there had a similar idea and might have
tried it...
in any case what do you think?

"Ah, make the most of what we yet may spend/Before we too into the dust
descend" - Omar Khayyam "Rubaiyat"
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