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help with a biochemistry lab

M Thompson mthompson at asu.edu
Thu Jun 13 15:34:26 EST 1996

Egg white lysozyme is a good experiment. Raw product is found in the
grocery store. Simple homogenization, isoelectric precipitation, ion
exchange chromatography, lyophilization and characterization. Substrate is
a strain of bacteria. Then just measure activity on a spectrophotometer.
Great experiment.

In article <wightman-1006961026470001 at garriga4.berkeley.edu>,
wightman at mendel.berkeley.edu wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone could provide suggestions for good proteins to
> partially purify/purify for an introductory biochemistry lab for
> undergraduates.  I'd like to be able to give students an experience with
> purification by gel filtration, ion exchange, and/or affinity
> chromatography.  Preferably, the protein should have an activity that can
> be assayed easily and cheaply.  The starting material should be something
> that's clearly recognizable as "life".  Unfortunately, the number of steps
> has to be very limited, as time does not allow anything particularly
> complicated.  Also, it has to be doable at room temperature.  
> Any ideas, good references, or protocols?
> Thanks-
> Bruce Wightman
> Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
> 401 Barker Hall- Garriga Lab
> University of California
> Berkeley, CA   94720-3204

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