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Technician position available

Piali Sengupta piali at volen.ccs.brandeis.edu
Mon Nov 3 09:42:39 EST 1997

Research Assistant position available

        A position is available for a Research Assistant in my lab in the
Department of Biology at Brandeis University.  Our primary research
interest is the development and function of the chemosensory nervous system
of C. elegans.  We are looking for a research assistant who will be an
active participant in ongoing projects in the lab.  Additional job
responsibilities will include maintaining worm strains, ordering supplies,
supervising work/study students and general lab chores.  The applicant
should have a BS/MS degree and some experience in molecular biology and/or
genetics.  The applicant should be motivated, have good organizational
skills, an ability to work well with people and a lively interest in
biological questions.  Flexibility in working hours is desirable although
not essential.  Familiarity with Macintosh computer systems is also a plus.

        Brandeis University offers excellent benefits.  The department is
small, friendly and interactive.  The lab also maintains interactions with
other worm researchers in the area.  The campus is located in Waltham,
approximately 10 miles west of Cambridge and Boston.  Salary will be
commensurate with experience.

        Please send CV and three letters of reference to:

Piali Sengupta
Department of Biology
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA 02254

Phone:  781-736-2686
Fax:    781-736-3107
e-mail: piali at volen.ccs.brandeis.edu

Brandeis is an equal opportunity employer.

**** Please note that our area code is now 781.****

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