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Conditional L1 Arrest?

a q at hpngsv01.mgh.harvard.edu
Tue Nov 4 10:42:42 EST 1997

In article <63fc6o$hq0 at net.bio.net>, JOHN THADEN <JJTHADEN at LIFE.UAMS.EDU>

> I'm looking for a C. elegans strain that arrests at L1
> under some restrictive condition e.g. temperature, but
> is healthy wild-type under the permissive condition.
> If not L1 arrest, then I'd settle for L2 lethal.
> Any suggestions?
> John Thaden, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock AR

A double with daf-2 and daf-12 gives an arrest as L2 at 25C, which
recovers at 15C.  daf-2 has synthetic phenotypes with many genes, so this
genotype may be hard to work with, depending on your needs.  Also, are
there any strong ts eat mutants?  these may arrest as starved L1s because
they can't feed, but may resume when the temp shift.

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