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single worm PCR to check transforming DNA?

qin ling "qin ling" at MEDEW.NEMA.WAU.NL
Sat Nov 15 13:38:01 EST 1997

Hi, everybody:

I am working on a parasitic nematode. I am now thinking transforming C
elegans with my gene of interest tagged with gfp. This construct together
with rol-6 will be injected into the distal gonad. My question is: if I
could not detect any gfp expression or if I want to support the gfp
expression, can I do a PCR on a single transformed worm with specific
primers for my gene? Would I get a single clear signal or due to the large
tandem array formed by introduced DNA mixture, I would  end up with a
on my gel. I presume this probably is already a routin experiment in C.
elegans labs. I would be grateful if somebody can send me a single worm
protocol and hopefullly also answer the above mentioned naive question.

With many thanks!

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