Post doctoral positions are available immedicately at
Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.
The lab research is centered on studying the genetic control
of sensitivity to volatile anesthetics in C. elegans. The
long term goal is to understand how these anesthetics cause
loss of consciousness and what parts of the nervous system
are necessary for maintainance of consciousness. The
immediate research is involved in studying the expression
of the unc-1 gene (stomatin like gene) and determine the
interactions with other genes. Applications are invited from
individuals with a strong interest in genetics and behavioral
aspects of the nervous system. The positions are available for
up to three years. All interested individuals should contact
Phil Morgan
pgm2 at
216-844-7333 (office)
Margaret Sedensky at the same numbers
Phil Morgan, M.D. Depts. of Anesthesiology and Genetics
(ph)216-844-7333 Case Western Reserve University
(FAX) 216-844-3781 Cleveland, OH