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Research Technician Job Ope

Carnegie Job-12/97 job97 at mail1.ciwemb.edu
Thu Nov 20 14:07:58 EST 1997

  	Dr. Andrew Fire's laboratory at the Carnegie Institution has a job
for a scientific technician, starting January 1998.  The Carnegie Institution
of Washington's Department of Embryology is located on the Arts & Sciences
campus of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.  The department
is a non#030#profit research facility with a strong focus on developmental
biology.  There are ten research groups with a total of 54 scientific and 30
support staff.
    This would be a excellent position for a recent graduate at the bachelor
or master's degree level with a strong background in Biology and/or Chemistry,
giving experience in laboratory research as well as the opportunity to be
involved in the forefront of molecular biology.  Interested persons should
send their resume and the names of three references to the address below.

Send applications to the following address:

Scientific Technician Job Search (Fire Lab) #1297EB
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Department of Embryology
115 West University Parkway
Baltimore, Maryland 21210
Fax: (410)243-6311
unfortunately, email applications cannot be accepted

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