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euGenes, Genomic Information for Eukaryotic Organisms

Don Gilbert gilbertd at bio.indiana.edu
Sat Sep 2 11:50:52 EST 2000

                Genomic Information for Eukaryotic Organisms

   euGenes provides a common summary of gene and genomic information
   for eukaryotic organisms. This includes
      Gene symbol, name, and synonyms
      Chromosome, genetic and molecular map information
      Gene product information (function, structure, and homologies)
      Links to extended gene information.

   The organisms covered are fruitfly, human, mouse, weed
   (Arabidopsis), worm (C. elegans), yeast and zebrafish.  This
   summary is automatically maintained from primary databases, along
   the lines of the GeneCards project.

   Some aspects of interest in euGenes include
     - an integrated search across organisms for genes of related
     - identified homologs or similar genes. BLAST summaries among all
       representative proteins of these genes are provided.
     - an easy-to-use genome map display for fully sequenced organisms,
       which lets you locate genes and other sequence features from
       chromosome to detailed region.

   This is a beta-release of this summary database.
   Please send your comments and suggestions to improve this service
   -- mailto:eugenes at iubio.bio.indiana.edu

[ Dear readers: I apologize of this is old news to you. The
original post of this in early August did not make it to many
readers of this newsgroup. -- Don ]

-- d.gilbert--bioinformatics--indiana-u--bloomington-in-47405
-- gilbertd at bio.indiana.edu


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