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Morphine and ELISA

Frederic Bourgaud bourgaud at ensaia.u-nancy.fr
Thu Apr 13 03:26:51 EST 1995

Hi all,

I am starting a new research program dealing with morphine in plants. I am
looking for a rapid/reliable ELISA test that would be adapted to this. I
already know that ELISA tech.(Lexington, Kentucky) commercialises a kit
called "generic opiate ELISA test". It's a competition test and involves
polyclonal antobodies. It is not very specific to morphine as it crosses
with all the related alkaloids. It costs about 90 US $ per plate. 

Does anybody know another ELISA test, maybe based on monoclonal antibodies
? It is important to me to have a test more specific to morphine. Also any
experience/reference on morphine quantification in plants with ELISA would
be appreciated. 

Also posted to the Biotech and Plant-TC discussion lists. Sorry for
multiple postings.


Fred (bourgaud at ensaia.u-nancy.fr)

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