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Reference laboratories

Jack H. Pincus jhpincus at cris.com
Wed Apr 19 17:56:35 EST 1995

In article <9504190113.AA04997 at Rt66.com>, ingen at RT66.COM says...
>Hellow netters,
>I have a dumb question.  Could somebody explain what is a "reference"
>laboratory?   I did not pay any attention to this particular term.  
>Does a reference laboratory require certification by state or federal
>government?  I am curious.
>In C. Kim, Ph.D.

The term is something of a misnomer.  Reference laboratories perform 
tests that are not routinely done in clinical laboaratories.  Tests 
performed by reference laboratories are sometimes more complicated than 
routine clincal laboartory assays, or those for which there is not enough 

In the U.S. states regualte clinical laboratories.  Most, if not all, 
require some sort of licensure or certification.  Reference laboratories 
are no exception.

Jack H. Pincus
jhpincus at cris.com

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