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Position Available - Scientist

Leonard Kalvert kal at inch.com
Tue Jun 4 10:29:27 EST 1996

Scientist - Systems Engineering Department: Development and execution of 
sophisiticated experimental protocols, formal report development, select 
and implement appropriate analytical techniques, participate in work teams.

Skills/Knowledge/Abilities: Familiar with the characterization and 
evaluation of sophisticated instrument systems in the diagnostics industry. 
Problem solving, critical thinking. Data organization, analysis, and 
presentation. Familiar with the use of the following types of software: 
spreadsheet, word processor, statistical analysis (SAS, Stat Graphics, 
MiniTab, Statistica), database. Solid working knowledge and experience in 
the application of statistical techniques (t-tests, ANOVA, experimental 
design. B.S. or M.S. in Biology or Medical Technology or Biomedical 

Leonard Kalvert
Kalvert Personnel
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 439
New York, NY 10017
(212)752-2626 (Tel)
(212)752-2650 (Fax)
kal at inch.com (e-mail)

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