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Multi marker virology controls

Hans Molijn 101756.1557 at compuserve.com
Wed Jun 26 01:24:38 EST 1996

Our laboratory is using a fully automated virology batch analyser
(PRISM; Abbott Diagnostics) for the detection of:

	-	HBsAg
	-	anti-HBc
	-	anti-HIV1/2
	-	anti-HCV
	-	anti-HTLV-I/II.

We are using a commerial avalilable multi marker "spy" sample for the
assays above (accept for anti-HBC). This spy is used as an unkown
sample in the daily routine. After every 100 tubes a release and a spy
control is used. We like to use a quality control sample other than
provided by the reagent company to find any differences in time or
from batch to batch.  An insert gives all the measurements of all
assays used with this controls. Every new batch give updated data. In
this way we can compare our QC data with other laboratories.
On INTERNET is not much data availlable about "in-line" quality
control samples. If there is any data available please let me know.

I'm looking for other multi-marker controls with the same organisation
as the controls we use now.

	-	are they available, if yes where?
	-	prices?

If you want to have any information about the QC controls we use
please let me know. As far as I know there are other QC controls
available for other assays (TPHA) and techniques (PCR).

If you want you can reply on my E-mail address:
101756.1557 at compuserve.com

M.H.J. Molijn

E-mail: 101756.1557 at compuserve.com

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