Young man of 30, who have never had before any sign, began to
have, after a kind of infuenza, some sort of very light
swimmings of the head (without any loss of stability).
After several tests (scanner ..) which were negative and a
test for blood pathology, he came out he had a minor
Questions :
- How comes he had never had before any trouble due to
Thalassemia until the age of 29.
- Do you think swimmings of the head are because of
Thalassemia ?
- The only medecine given to him is 'magnesium' and 'acid
folique'. The result is not very positive because he goes on
having these light swimmings of the head, which is very
- What is the medecine or treatment indicated for that kind of
disease ?
- Do you know any center or hospital specialized on that
Here after, a part of the blood pathology tests.
WBC 8.4
RBC 6.08
HGB 11.09
HCT 37.3
MCV 61.0
MCH 19.6
RDW 15.1
Platelet count 321
HGB Electrophoresis
Possible increase in Hemoglobin A2. HGB A2 quantification by
column chromatography is suggested.
HGB A 95.4
HGB A2 4.60
HB A2 by column 4.60
HB F by column 0.80
Poly, Lymph, Mono, Eos, Baso, Ani socytosis, Hypochromia,
Microcytosis, Leukocyte morphology appears normal.
IRON test in profile A appears at 82 ug/dL
Haptoglobine results at 0.38 g/l
We apologize for our english which is probably not very
correct and thanks in advance for your help.
Mail address :sc002 at