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[Ecophysiology] CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS--Encyclopedia of Earth

Cutler J. Cleveland cutler at bu.edu
Mon Apr 3 11:33:51 EST 2006

Dear Colleague

Would you be kind enough to consider placing the following 
announcement in your listserv?  I think it will be of great interest 
to the ecophysiology community.  Please let me know if you need more 
information from me.

With best regards,

Cutler J. Cleveland
Encyclopedia of Earth

Professor and Director
Center for Energy and Environmental Studies
Boston University
675 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215


Encyclopedia of Earth

The world's experts on the environment of Earth, and the interaction 
between society and the natural spheres of the Earth, are forming to 
produce a single comprehensive and definitive electronic encyclopedia 
about the Earth. The Encyclopedia of Earth (EoE) will be free to the 
public and free of advertising.

We seek all qualified editors and authors to collaboratively develop:

A free, fully searchable, trusted source of articles about the Earth
A to Z coverage of topics describing the environment of Earth that 
span the natural, physical, and social sciences, the arts and 
humanities, and the professional disciplines
An information resource that will be useful to students, educators, 
scholars, professionals, decision-makers, as well as to the general 
An authoring site that combines the authority of peer review with the 
power of Web-based collaboration
A public reference site that is updated every 15 minutes

Editors:  Professor Cutler J. Cleveland of Boston University, 
Editor-in-Chief of the award-winning Encyclopedia of Energy (Elsevier 
Science), is the Editor-in-Chief of the Encyclopedia of Earth.  A 
distinguished International Advisory Board  provides editorial 
oversight (see below).

Publisher:  The Encyclopedia is one component of the Earth Portal 
(http://earthportal.net/), the world's first comprehensive resource 
for timely, objective, science-based information about the Earth and 
environmental change.  It is published by the Environmental 
Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the 
Environment (http://www.ncseonline.org).

Scope:  The scope of the Encyclopedia is the environment of the Earth 
broadly defined, with particular emphasis on the interaction between 
society and the natural spheres of the Earth.  See the taxonomy and 
topic areas at http://earthportal.net/EP/eoe/eoetopics/.

Join the Effort:  If you are interested and want more information, 
please send an email to <eoe at earthportal.net>, or visit  

International Advisory Board

Rita Colwell, Chairman, Canon U.S. Life Sciences, Inc., former 
Director of the National Science Foundation, USA
Robert W. Corell, Chair of the Steering Committee for the Arctic 
Climate Impact Assessment
Robert Costanza, Director, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, 
University of Vermont, USA
Mohamed H. A. Hassan, President, African Academy of Sciences, Nairobi, Kenya
Thomas Homer-Dixon, Director, Trudeau Centre for Peace and Conflict 
Studies, University College, Canada
Andrew J. Hoffman, Holcim Professor of Sustainable Enterprise, Ross 
School of Business, The University of Michigan, USA
Steve Hubbell, Distinguished Research Professor, University of Georgia, USA
Simon A. Levin, Moffett Professor of Biology, Director, Center for 
Biocomplexity, Princeton University, USA
Bonnie J. McCay, Distinguished Professor of Human Ecology, Rutgers, 
the State University of New Jersey, USA
David W. Orr, Chairman, Environmental Studies Program, Oberlin 
College, Ohio, USA
Rajendra K. Pachauri, Director-General, The Energy and Resources 
Institute, Chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, India
F. Sherwood Rowland, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, University of 
California - Irvine, USA
B. L. Turner, Director, School of Geography, Clark University, USA
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