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Re. Can journals monopolize science?

Douglas Fitts dfitts at carson.u.washington.edu
Sun May 30 20:55:08 EST 1993

mroussel at alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca (Marc Roussel) writes:
>In article <1u9016INNqjo at news.u.washington.edu> dfitts at carson.u.washington.edu
>(Douglas Fitts) writes:


>A point which everyone seems to have ignored is that multiple submissions
>would actually increase the amount of reviewing to do.  (I think that
>Douglas may be aware of this, but he didn't make it plain.)  If all

Here is a quote from the paragraph after the one you cite:

"This implies that we must keep the
load of reviews within the reasonable range, but allowing multiple 
submissions of journal articles would increase that load for everybody.
Setting aside the issue of whether a given reviewer would receive the
same manuscript more than once, if the number of submissions quadruples,
then the number of reviews done by each reviewer will quadruple."  

Is this not plain enough for you?  ;^/

Don't worry, I have this trouble with reviewers all the time!!

>				Marc R. Roussel
>                                mroussel at alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca

Doug Fitts
University of Washington
dfitts at u.washington.edu

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