Andrey Tsouladze (tsoul at wrote:
: Keith Robison (robison at wrote:
: : Noit (noit at wrote:
: : : Thank you for listing. I have looked in every med.
: : : site on the Net for The New England Journal Of
: : : Medicine. Is this the only journal that is not on the
: : : Net.
: : No. Unless you mean just tables-of-contents, NEJM is with the
: : majority, not minority. Very few peer-reviewed journals are yet
: : on the Net in any official manner (there are a few happy exceptions).
: Oh but that is certainly not correct (fortunately). You might try:
: Your favourite journal IS there.
1) The URL given above is only the Molecular Genetics subset
of Medline -- it will NOT cover every article in the New England
Journal of Medicine.
2) I should have asked what the original poster meant by "on the net"
Very few journals are what I would call on -- access to articles
and the like, or direct contact with the editors. Table of Contents
and abstracting services are on the net, but I wouldn't call that
having the journal on the net.
Keith Robison
Harvard University
Department of Cellular and Developmental Biology
Department of Genetics / HHMI
robison at